Community and Tech, Community and Healing

I am a community builder and strategist building social healing across America. After launching a national coalition for the Biden Campaign, I was recruited by the Presidential Inaugural Committee to create digital engagement strategies for the National Day of Service during the Presidential Inaugural. I previously worked for Dr. Vivek Murthy, 19th US Surgeon General under Obama to build a more people-centered society and The Holding Co, to showcase America's leaders advancing the care industry.

I am motivated by questions around building caring relationships within neighborhoods, creating social infrastructure, solving loneliness, promoting pluralism, and civility through technology.

Previously, I led the startup community at First Round Capital where I managed and scaled First Round's largest strategic initiative - 'Fast Track', a quarter-long mentorship accelerator. I built 2,000+ mentorship relationships over 5 iterative cohorts and was awarded the "Founder Award" for exceptional service to world-class Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.

While at First Round, I was recruited by the 19th US Surgeon General to conduct research for his NYTimes best-selling book, TOGETHER: The Healing Power of Social Connections. My own story about loneliness, solitude, and leadership is featured in the book.

I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania where I conducted research under Adam Grant and built Space Gatherings, a student movement and community to improve campus culture and managed the re-launch of Dear Penn Freshmen, a viral storytelling campaign around social connection. I've previously worked at Trail Mix Ventures, a boutique VC-firm specializing in elder care, Community By Design to re-design community for religious teens, and Thrive Global as Arianna Huffington's first intern.

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